Thursday, September 16, 2021

Democratic legitimacy to prioritise among ECB secondary objectives

 In the absence of conflict[1], the European Central Bank (hereafter ECB) must honour the primary objective of the monetary policy of the Union, namely to maintain price stability (Articles 119(2), 127(1) and 282(2) TFEU), as well as its secondary objectives, namely to support the general economic policies in the Union with a view to contributing to the achievement of “the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment” (Article 3(3) TEU). While performing its tasks, the ECB must attend to Article 11 TFEU, which calls for the integration of environmental protection requirements into the definition and implementation of the Union's policies and activities, in particular with a view to promoting sustainable development, and, as “horizontal” clause, applies to all policies of the Union, including the monetary policy, and is binding on all relevant EU institutions, including the ECB[2]. Article 3 TEU and Article 11 TFEU incorporate environmental policy objectives into the mandate of the ECB and the national central banks comprised in the Eurosystem, thereby giving them the power to contribute to environmental protection.
The paper addresses the extension of this power, discussing the hierarchy of environmental protection vis à vis other goals mentioned in Article 3 TEU as well as vis à vis the ECB democratic legitimacy, independence and credibility. My contribution adds to the literature by fine tuning the legal criterion used to determine to what extent environmental objectives fall within the ECB mandate, with resource to the principle of sustainable development and the principal-agent theory. I argue that some cases where the decision of the ECB to prioritise environmental goals among its secondary objectives is usually considered as a political decision are more correctly assessed as an application of the principle of sustainable development. Moreover, my argument goes, in several other cases where a prioritisation of environmental goals among the ones mentioned in Article 3(3) TEU in fact needs to occur for the ECB to address climate change such prioritization might be democratically legitimized by the past communication of the European Parliament (hereafter also EP). Following the signalisation of a hierarchy among its secondary objectives by the EP, the ECB might determinate its secondary mandate, adopting in its strategy review the hierarchy signalled by the EP as operating rule, like in 1998 it defined what price stability is by spelling out the 2% rule[3]. Hence, the space of manoeuvre the ECB currently enjoys to pursue environmental protection within its mandate is significantly vast.
At her confirmation hearing before the European Parliament (4th September 2019), Christine Lagarde has pledged to ensure that all institutions, including the ECB, “have climate change risk and protection of the environment at the core of their understanding of their mission. (..) Primary mandate is price stability, of course. But it has to be embedded that climate change and environmental risk are mission-critical”[4] and should hence be seen as a priority[5]. Article 3 TEU includes environmental protection as one of several aims of the Union and a priori these goals are at the same level of normative priority[6]. Benoît Cœuré highlighted that it is not for the ECB itself to prioritize its secondary objectives as “[s]etting priorities among different objectives, this is the definition of politics […] and this is what parliaments do”, or, in other words, it is up to European political institutions to clarify the secondary priorities of the ECB (outside of price stability), in order for the central bank to get the full political legitimacy to act on this field[7].
I challenge a common broad stance in this matter[8] and argue that, by making use of the concept of sustainable development, the space, where addressing environmental goals in monetary policy indeed requires a political decision of the ECB entailing a prioritisation of environmental goals above other secondary objectives, is smaller than usually claimed. For example, the ECB´s decision to reduce the carbon content of its corporate sector purchase programme (hereafter CSPP) does not entail a political decision once one refocus the debate on the principle of sustainable development, since the core idea of this principle is that environmental protection, economic growth and social development are mutually compatible, rather than conflicting, objectives[9], and the ECB bias in favour of heavy carbon emitters[10] is not accurately reflected in public goods, as these sectors are still over-represented in the ECB purchases when compared to their contribution to employment and economic activity[11]. An important consequence of this approach is that ECB decisions taken following the application of the principle of sustainable development would be able to satisfy even the most rigorous national scrutiny performed by national constitutional courts, as the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), which requires the formal intervention of the German parliament (Bundestag) for any expansion of the ECB mandate[12].
But the principle of sustainable development is not always sufficient to underpin the greening of the ECB´s action without raising issues of democratic legitimacy, since Article 11 TFUE does not impose an absolute priority of environmental protection over other specific objectives found in Article 3 TEU[13]. In several cases, supporting the climate transition might require a prioritisation between ECB´s secondary objectives. Following the application of the principal-agent theory, I argue, adding to the literature discussing the gaps in the central bank mandate to address choices entailing non-purely technical matters[14], that the ECB should be considered democratically legitimised to perform the mentioned prioritisation when such hierarchy was previously signalled by the European Parliament with reference to monetary policy and the result of the decision does not conflict with its primary objective. To assess whether this occurred, all the relevant communication of the EP along a reasonable period of time needs to be analysed. Though, the literature highlights episodes where the EP underpinned the importance of having the ECB addressing climate change[15], it does not specifically assess whether such EP communication can be classified as an authorization to prioritise environmental concerns among other ECB´s secondary objectives.
Once such prioritisation is confirmed, my argument goes, some consequences with regard to the application of Article 11 TFEU by the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereafter CJEU) will emerge. For example, while in the absence of the named prioritisation the CJEU is expected to use a rather lenient standard of compliance with the procedural obligation established in Article 11 TFEU, using this norm as standard for reviewing the validity of ECB decisions only where ecological interests manifestly have not been taken into account or where they have been completely disregarded[16], because when EU institutions exercise their discretion in policy areas involving complex assessments, like in monetary policy, the CJEU has tended to regard the principle of proportionality as a rather lenient limit to such political discretion[17]; once the named prioritisation takes place, the Court is expected to adopt a more demanding standard of compliance, requiring the ECB to fully explains why, in the use of its discretion, it did not prioritise environmental objectives when the latter were compatible with its primary objective. Moreover, while in the absence of the named prioritisation, a principle of non-discrimination would be a relevant limit to the exercise of the ECB´s political discretion if, for example, the CSPP Decision excluded polluting issuers from the eligibility criteria, once environmental concerns are prioritised such an exclusion would be justified.
[1] Court of Justice of the European Union, Case C-493/17, Weiss and Others, ECLI:EU:C:2018:1000, paragraph 60.
[2] E. Cerrato, F. Agostini and N. Jaberg, “Why the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court gives the ECB another incentive to integrate climate change considerations into monetary policy”, available online: Why the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court gives the ECB another incentive to integrate climate change considerations into monetary policy – European Law Blog [Last accessed 3 Fev 2021]; Javier Solana, The Power of the Eurosystem to promote environmental protection, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series N. 2018-23, 2018.
[3] ECB, “The outcome of the ECB’s evaluation of its monetary policy strategy”, Monthly Bulletin (2003), 79–92.
[4] Positive Money Europe, “What can we hope from Christine Lagarde as ECB President?”, 7 September 2019, available online: [Last accessed 13 Nov 2020].
[5] European Parliament (Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs), Draft Report on the Council recommendation on the appointment of the President of the European Central Bank (C9-0048/2019 – 2019/0810(NLE)), 29 August 2019.
[6] Martin Wasmeier, ‘Integration of Environmental Protection as a General Rule for Interpreting Community Law, Common market law review, Vol. 38, N. 1, 2001, 159-177, 163.
[7] Wojtek KalinowskiNicolas Hercelin and Stanislas Jourdan,“Benoît Coeuré explique à l’Assemblée nationale comment la BCE peut agir pour le climat”, Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms, 23 May 2019, available online: [Last accessed 13 Nov 2019].
[8] Nik de Boer and Jens van ’t Klooster, “The ECB, the courts and the issue of democratic legitimacy after Weiss”, Preprint and unedited version of the article forthcoming in the Common Market Law Review, volume 57 issue 6, 2020, available online: The ECB, the Courts and the Issue of Democratic Legitimacy After Weiss by Nik de Boer, Jens van 't Klooster :: SSRN [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021].
[9] Andrea Lenschow, “Greening the European Union: An Introduction”, in Andrea Lenschow (ed), Environmental policy integration: Greening sectoral policies in Europe, Earthscan 2002, 3-21, 5. See also Beate Sjåfjell, “The Legal Significance of Article 11 TFEU for EU Institutions and Member States”, in Beate Sjåfjell and Anja Wiesbrock (eds), The greening of European business under EU law: taking article 11 TFEU seriously, Paperback edition, Routledge, 2017, 51-72, 55.
[10] See for example Lisa Hanzl, Oliver Picek und Joel Tölgyes, “Wie „grün“ sind die EZB-Käufe österreichischer Unternehmensanleihen?”, Momentum Institut, Policy Brief 23/2020, December 2020, available online: pb_23.2020_1217_greenmonetarypolicy_0.pdf ( [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021]; Jens van ’t Klooster and Clément Fontan, “The Myth of Market Neutrality: A Comparative Study of the European Central Bank’s and the Swiss National Bank’s Corporate Security Purchases”, New Political Economy, Vol. 25, N. 6, 2020, 865-879, available online: 10.1080/13563467.2019.1657077 [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021]; Yannis Dafermos, Daniela Gabor, Maria Nikolaidi, Adam Pawloff and Frank van LervenDecarbonising is easy. Beyond market neutrality in the ECB's corporate QE, Greenpeace, New Economics Foundation (NEF), SOAS University of London, University of the West of England and University of Greenwich, 20 October 2020; Patrick Honohan, "Should Monetary Policy Take Inequality and Climate Change into Account?”, Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper 19-18, October 2019; Stanislas Jourdan and Wojtek Kalinowski, Aligning Monetary Policy with the EU’s Climate Targets, Report from Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms and Positive Money Europe, April 2019, p. 3; Sini Matikainen, Emanuele Campiglio and Dimitri Zenghelis, ‘The Climate Impact of Quantitative Easing’, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) Policy Paper, May 2017; Corporate Europe Observatory, “The ECB’s ‘quantitative easing’ funds multinationals and climate change”, Corporate Europe Observatory [website], 12 December 2016, available online: The ECB’s ‘quantitative easing’ funds multinationals and climate change | Corporate Europe Observatory [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021]. Federica Agostini et al, “EU Treaties require Eurozone monetary policy to take environmental objectives into account”, FSJ Project Policy Brief 1/2020, May 2020, University of Glasgow, available online: Media_723215_smxx.pdf ( [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021]).
[11] Yannis Dafermos, Daniela Gabor, Maria Nikolaidi, Adam Pawloff, Frank van Lerven, “Decarbonising is easy. Beyond market neutrality in the ECB's corporate QE”, Greenpeace, New Economics Foundation, SOAS University of London, University of the West of England and University of Greenwich, 20 October 2020.
[12] See, for example, 2 BvR 2134, 2 BvR 2159/92, Maastricht, BverfGE 89, 155, Judgment of 12 October 1993; Second Senate of 14 January 2014 - 2 BvR 2728/13 -, paragraphs 1-24, available online: [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021], paragraphs 39-40 and 63-68; BVerfG, Order of the Second Senate of 18 July 2017 - 2 BvR 859/15 -, paragraphs 1-137, available online: [Last accessed 6 Feb 2021], paragraphs 65, 102-103; 142, 158-160.
[13] Case C-405/92 Mondiet, ECLI:EU:C:1993:906, paragraph 26. Case 336/00 Huber, EU:C:2002:509, paragraph 33. Case C-62/88 Greece v CouncilEU:C:1990:153, paragraphs 19 and 20. Javier Solana, The Power of the Eurosystem to promote environmental protection, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series N. 2018-23, 2018.
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